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Lisp. Не вставляет значения в базу access.

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Непрочитано 11.07.2012, 13:00 #1
Lisp. Не вставляет значения в базу access.
Регистрация: 01.07.2010
Сообщений: 521

Друзья, не понимаю по каким причинам не работает вставка значений в таблицу. Из аксеса все работает норм, через лисп не хочет. Причем данные выбирать и удалять срабатывает...
Выкладываю 2 кода и таблицу.

[Выделить все]
 (if (not ADOLISP_ConnectToDB)
  (load "ADOLISP_Library.lsp")
;; Connecting to the database ...
  (setq ConnectString
         "Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=D:\\Программирование\\ADO\\db1.mdb"
  ;; An alternative connect string
  (setq ConnectString "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\\Программирование\\ADO\\db1.mdb;Persist Security Info=False")
  (prompt (strcat "\n\nConnecting to the database using \n\""
  (if (not (setq ConnectionObject
                  (ADOLISP_ConnectToDB ConnectString "admin" "")
      (prompt "\nConnection failed!")
    (prompt "\nResult: succeeded!")
  ;; If we got a connection ...
  (if ConnectionObject

            ;; Delete a row or rows
      (setq SQLStatement
             "DELETE FROM UsersActiv WHERE Draw_name='Соатпв'"
      (prompt (strcat "\n\nDeleting a row or rows:\n\""
      (if (setq Result (ADOLISP_DoSQL ConnectionObject SQLStatement))
        (prompt "\nResult:\nSucceeded!")
          (prompt "\nFailed!")

      ;; Insert a row
      ;(setq SQLStatement
      ;       "INSERT INTO UsersActiv (User, Draw_name, Data, Action) VALUES ('Artamonov', 'C:\Ado', '11.07.2012.', 'Открыл')"
      ;(prompt (strcat "\n\nInserting a row:\n\""
      ;                SQLStatement
      ;                "\""
      ;        )
      ;(if (setq Result (ADOLISP_DoSQL ConnectionObject SQLStatement))
      ;  (prompt "\nResult:\nSucceeded!")
      ;  (progn
      ;    (prompt "\nFailed!")
      ;    (ADOLISP_ErrorPrinter)
      ;  )

      ;; Just for grins, see what's in the database
      (prompt "\n\nTables and views in the database:")
      (setq TablesList (ADOLISP_GetTablesAndViews ConnectionObject))
      (print (ADOLISP_GetTablesAndViews ConnectionObject))
      (prompt (strcat "\n\nColumn properties in table "
                      (caar TablesList)
      (setq ColumnsList
               (caar TablesList)
      (foreach Item ColumnsList
        (print Item)

      ;; Disconnect
      (prompt "\n\nDisconnecting from the database\n")
      (ADOLISP_DisconnectFromDB ConnectionObject)
      ;; Although the following is unnecessary in this case (because
      ;; ConnectionObject is a local variable), it's never a _bad_
      ;; idea to NIL-out the connection object.
      (setq ConnectionObject nil)

[Выделить все]
 ;;; A library to be used to access a database from Visual LISP
;;; in AutoCAD 2000 or higher using ActiveX Data Objects
;;; (ADO)

;;; Copyright (C) 1999-2006 by The Fleming Group

;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
;;; software for any purpose and without fee is hereby
;;; granted, provided that the above copyright notice
;;; appears in all copies and that both that copyright
;;; notice and the limited warranty and restricted
;;; rights notice below appear in all supporting
;;; documentation.


;;; ----------------------------------------------------------

;;; Revision 2.52 April 2007 by JRF: install workaround for
;;; a bug in AUtoCAD 2008 under Vista.  vl-registry-read of
;;; a REG_EXPAND_SZ value returns (2 . "String") instead of
;;; the correct return value, "String".

;;; Revision 2.51 April 2007 by JRF: Restore 2000i code, with
;;; modifications suggested by Phillippe Absil to maintain
;;; compatibility with KB927779, to fix problem of executing
;;; streod procedures twice when executing an "EXECUTE ..."
;;; statement.

;;; Revision 2.5 March 2007 by JRF: Remove code from ADOLISP_DoSQL
;;; which executed in AutoCAD 2000i and above, and always execute
;;; the code which used to execute only in 2000. The removed code
;;; was incompatible with Microsoft patch KB927779. Alas, this
;;; means that the return value of ADOLISP_DoSQL is now just
;;; T or nil Wwhen the SQL statment is an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE;
;;; the number of rows affected is not available.

;;; Revision 2.4 December 2006 by JRF: Introduced the
;;; ADOLISP_DoNotForceJetODBCParsing global variable, required
;;; to work with Excel files under some circumstances.  Set
;;; it to non-nil to NOT set the Jet OLEDB:ODBC Parsing
;;; property (of the Jet database engine) to true.

;;; Revision 2.32 March 2004 by JRF: Fixed a bug in
;;; ADOLISP_GetTablesAndViews.

;;; Revision 2.31 July 30, 2003 by JRF: Removed
;;; ActualSize from the list of field properties
;;; collected when a SELECT statement is executed:
;;; if no rows were returned (and some other
;;; conditions were true, but I don't know exactly
;;; what conditions) asking about ActualSize
;;; caused an automation error that is untrappable.
;;; It's possible but a litle complex to get
;;; ActualSize back; contact me it you need it.

;;; Revision 2.30 May 1, 2003 by JRF:  Added the
;;; ADOLISP_GetColumns function.

;;; Revision 2.20 April 30, 2003 by JRF: Added the
;;; ADOLISP_FieldsPropertiesList global variable,
;;; containing the properties of the fields
;;; retrieved by the last SQL statement (if it
;;; was a SELECT statement).

;;; Revision 2.15 March 31, 2003 by JRF: ADOLISP_GetTablesAndViews
;;; contained a call to ErrorProcessor which should be
;;; ADOLISP_ErrorProcessor.

;;; Revision 2.14: documentation only.

;;; Revision 2.13 February 3, 2002 by JRF: Fixed a bug in
;;; ADOLISP_GetTablesAndViews which made it always return
;;; (nil nil) when the JET 4.0 driver was being used.

;;; Revision 2.12 May 27, 2002 by JRF: Documentation changes
;;; only, adding information on connecting to Excel to

;;; Revision 2.11 March 14, 2001 by JRF: Fixed bug in
;;; releasing objects after trying to set the properties
;;; of the JET driver in ADOLISP_ConnectToDB

;;; Revision 2.1 March 9, 2002 by JRF: Added code to
;;; ADOLIST_ConnectToDB to set the Jet OLEDB:ODBC Parsing
;;; property to "true" when using the Jet engin, so SQL
;;; statements using double-quotes to surround delimited
;;; identifiers will work.

;; Load the ActiveX stuff for Visual LISP if it isn't already
;; loaded

;;; In case this file gets compiled into a separate-namespace
;;; VLX, export the functions that should be visible.  The
;;; following has no effect unless the document is compiled
;;; into a separate-namespace VLX.
(vl-doc-export 'ADOLISP_ConnectToDB)
(vl-doc-export 'ADOLISP_DoSQL)
(vl-doc-export 'ADOLISP_DisconnectFromDB)
(vl-doc-export 'ADOLISP_ErrorPrinter)
(vl-doc-export 'ADOLISP_GetTablesAndViews)
(vl-doc-export 'ADOLISP_variant-value)

;;; Set up some variables that must be global (within
;;; this file)

;;; Define a VB data type that Visual LISP forgot
(if (not vlax-vbDecimal)
  (setq vlax-vbDecimal 14)

;;; Set a flag if we are running in AutoCAD 2000 (not 2000i,
;;; 2002, ...)
(if (< (atof (getvar "ACADVER")) 15.05)
  (setq ADOLISP_IsAutoCAD2000 T)

;; Import the ADO type library if it hasn't already been
;; loaded.
(if (null ADOMethod-Append)
    ;; If we can find the library in the registry ...
    ((and (setq ADOLISP_ADODLLPath
          (setq ADOLISP_ADODLLPath
                   (strcat "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\"
            ;; Workaround for bug in AutoCAD 2008 under Vista, returning
            ;; a dotted pair list containing the string instead of the
            ;; string
            (if (listp ADOLISP_ADODLLPath)
              (setq ADOLISP_ADODLLPath (cdr ADOLISP_ADODLLPath))
            (findfile ADOLISP_ADODLLPath)
     ;; Import it
       :tlb-filename ADOLISP_ADODLLPath :methods-prefix
       "ADOMethod-" :properties-prefix "ADOProperty-"
       :constants-prefix "ADOConstant-"
    ;; Or if we can find it where we expect to find it ...
    ((setq ADOLISP_ADODLLPath
              (if (getenv "systemdrive")
                  (getenv "systemdrive")
                  "\\program files\\common files\\system\\ado\\msado15.dll"
                "c:\\program files\\common files\\system\\ado\\msado15.dll"
     ;; Import it
       :tlb-filename ADOLISP_ADODLLPath :methods-prefix
       "ADOMethod-" :properties-prefix "ADOProperty-"
       :constants-prefix "ADOConstant-"
    ;; Can't find the library, tell the user
       (strcat "Cannot find\n\""
               (if ADOLISP_ADODLLPath

;;; A routine to connect to a database

;;; Arguments:
;;;     ConnectString:  Either the name of a .UDL file,
;;;                     including the ".UDL", or an
;;;                     OLEDB connection string.
;;;                     If this argument is the name of
;;;                     a UDL file without a full path,
;;;                     it is searched for in the
;;;                     current directory, the
;;;                     AutoCAD search path, and the
;;;                     AutoCAD Data Source Location.
;;;     UserName: The user name to use when connecting.
;;;               May be a null string if the user name is
;;;               specified in the first argument or the
;;;               first argument is a UDL file name.
;;;     Password: The password to use when connecting. 
;;                May be a null string if the password is
;;;               supplied in the first argument or the
;;;               first argument is a UDL file name.

;;; Return value:
;;;  If anything fails, NIL.  Call (ADOLISP_ErrorPrinter) to
;;;  print error messages to the command line.
;;;  Otherwise, an ADO Connection Object.

(defun ADOLISP_ConnectToDB (ConnectString UserName Password / IsUDL
                            FullUDLFileName ConnectionObject TempObject
                            ReturnValue ConnectionPropertiesObject
  ;; Assume no error
  (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList        nil
        ADOLISP_LastSQLStatement nil

  ;; If the connect string is a UDL file name ...
  (if (= ".UDL"
           (substr ConnectString (- (strlen ConnectString) 3))
      ;; Set a flag that it's a UDL file
      (setq IsUDL T)
      ;; Try to find it
        ((setq FullUDLFileName (findfile ConnectString)))
        ;; Didn't find it in the current directory or
        ;; the AutoCAD search path, try the AutoCAD
        ;; Data Source location
        ((setq FullUDLFileName
                (findfile (strcat (vlax-get-property
        ;; Didn't find it, store an error message
         (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList
                (list (list (cons "ADOLISP connection error"
                                  (strcat "Can't find \""

  ;; If the first argument is a UDL file name... ...
  (if IsUDL
    ;; If we found it ...
    (if FullUDLFileName
        ;; Create an ADO connection object
        (setq ConnectionObject
        ;; Try to open the connection.  If there is an error
        ;; ...
        (if (vl-catch-all-error-p
              (setq TempObject
                       (list ConnectionObject
                             (strcat "File Name=" FullUDLFileName)
            ;; Save the error information
            (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList
                   (ADOLISP_ErrorProcessor TempObject ConnectionObject)
            ;; Release the connection object
            (vlax-release-object ConnectionObject)
          ;; It worked, store the connection object in our
          ;; return value
          (setq ReturnValue ConnectionObject)
    ;; The connect string is not a UDL file name.
      ;; Create an ADO connection object
      (setq ConnectionObject
             (vlax-create-object "ADODB.Connection")
      ;; Try to open the connection.  If there is an error ...
      (if (vl-catch-all-error-p
            (setq TempObject
                       ConnectionObject "Open" ConnectString UserName
                       Password ADOConstant-adConnectUnspecified
          ;; Save the error information
          (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList
                 (ADOLISP_ErrorProcessor TempObject ConnectionObject)
          ;; Release the connection object
          (vlax-release-object ConnectionObject)
        ;; It worked, store the connection object in our
        ;; return value
        (setq ReturnValue ConnectionObject)
  ;; If we made a connection ...
  (if ReturnValue
      ;; If we want to set ODBC Parsing to true ...
      (if (not ADOLISP_DoNotForceJetODBCParsing)
          ;; Get the properties collection
          (setq ConnectionPropertiesObject
          ;; If the properties collection has a "Jet OLEDB:ODBC
          ;; Parsing" item ...
          (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p
                     (setq ConnectionParsingPropertyObject
                                "Jet OLEDB:ODBC Parsing"
            ;; Set the "Jet OLEDB:ODBC Parsing" item to
            ;; "true" so the Jet engine accepts double-quotes
            ;; around delimited identifiers
      ;; And release our objects
      (if (= 'VLA-OBJECT (type ConnectionParsingPropertyObject))
        (vlax-release-object ConnectionParsingPropertyObject)
      (if (= 'VLA-OBJECT (type ConnectionPropertiesObject))
        (vlax-release-object ConnectionPropertiesObject)

;;; A function to execute an arbitrary SQL statement
;;; (replacable parameters are not supported).

;;; Arguments:
;;;     ConnectionObject: An ADO Connection Object.
;;;     SQLString: the SQL statement to execute.

;;; Return value:

;;;  If anything fails, NIL.  Call (ADOLISP_ErrorPrinter) to
;;;  print error messages to the command line.  Otherwise:

;;;  If the SQL statement is a "select ..." statement that
;;;  could return rows, returns a list of lists.  The first
;;;  is a list of the column names.  If any rows were
;;;  returned, the subsequent sub-lists contain the
;;;  returned rows in the same order as the column names
;;;  in the first sub-list.

;;;  If the SQL statement is a "delete ...", "update ...", or
;;;  "insert ..." that cannot return any rows:
;;;    If the program is running in AutoCAD 2000, T
;;;    If the program is running in AutoCAD 2000i or
;;;    later, the integer number of rows affected.

(defun ADOLISP_DoSQL (ConnectionObject SQLStatement /
                      RecordSetObject FieldsObject FieldNumber
                      FieldCount FieldList RecordsAffected
                      TempObject ReturnValue CommandObject
                      IsError FieldItem FieldPropertiesList
  ;; Assume no error
  (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList        nil
        ;; Initialize global variables
        ADOLISP_LastSQLStatement SQLStatement
        ADOLISP_FieldsPropertiesList nil
  ;; If we are working in AutoCAD 2000 ...
  (if ADOLISP_IsAutoCAD2000
    ;; Then we can't use the Execute method of the Command
    ;; object because returning values in parameters (of a
    ;; function loaded from an external library) is broken.
      ;; Create an ADO Recordset and set the cursor and lock
      ;; types
      (setq RecordSetObject
             (vlax-create-object "ADODB.RecordSet")
      ;; Open the recordset.  If there is an error ...
      (if (vl-catch-all-error-p
            (setq TempObject
                     (list RecordSetObject "Open" SQLStatement
                           ConnectionObject nil nil
        ;; Save the error information
          (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList
                 (ADOLISP_ErrorProcessor TempObject ConnectionObject)
          (setq IsError T)
          (vlax-release-object RecordSetObject)
        ;; Otherwise, set an indicator that it worked
        (setq RecordsAffected T)
    ;; We're in AutoCAD 2000i or above, we can use the
    ;; Execute method of the Command object and see
    ;; how many records are affected by an UPDATE, INSERT,
    ;; or DELETE
      ;; Create an ADO command object and store the query
      ;; and connection
      (setq CommandObject (vlax-create-object "ADODB.Command"))

      ;; Create an ADO Recordset
      (setq RecordSetObject
             (vlax-create-object "ADODB.RecordSet")
      ;; Open the recordset.  If there is an error ...
      (if (vl-catch-all-error-p
            (setq TempObject
                     (list CommandObject "Execute"
                           nil nil nil
        ;; Save the error information
          (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList
                 (ADOLISP_ErrorProcessor TempObject ConnectionObject)
          (setq IsError T)
          (vlax-release-object CommandObject)
          (vlax-release-object RecordSetObject)
          ;; No error, save the recordset
          (setq RecordSetObject TempObject)
  ;; If there were no errors ...
  (if (not IsError)
    ;; If the recordset is closed ...
    (if (= ADOConstant-adStateClosed
           (vlax-get-property RecordsetObject "State")
      ;; Then the SQL statement was a "delete ..." or an
      ;; "insert ..." or an "update ..." which doesn't
      ;; return any rows.
        (setq ReturnValue (not IsError))
        ;; And release the recordset and command; we're done.
        (vlax-release-object RecordSetObject)
        (if (not ADOLISP_IsAutoCAD2000)
          (vlax-release-object CommandObject)
      ;; The recordset is open, the SQL statement
      ;; was a "select ...".
        ;; Get the Fields collection, which
        ;; contains the names and properties of the
        ;; selected columns
        (setq FieldsObject (vlax-get-property
              ;; Get the number of columns
              FieldCount   (vlax-get-property FieldsObject "Count")
              FieldNumber  -1
        ;; For all the fields ...
          (> FieldCount (setq FieldNumber (1+ FieldNumber)))
          (setq FieldItem (vlax-get-property FieldsObject "Item" FieldNumber)
          ;; Get the names of all the columns in a list to
          ;; be the first part of the return value
                FieldName (vlax-get-property FieldItem "Name")
                FieldList (cons FieldName FieldList)
                FieldPropertiesList nil
          (foreach FieldProperty '("Type" "Precision" "NumericScale" "DefinedSize" "Attributes")
            (setq FieldPropertiesList (cons (cons FieldProperty (vlax-get-property FieldItem FieldProperty)) FieldPropertiesList))
          ;; Save the list in the global list
          (setq ADOLISP_FieldsPropertiesList (cons (cons FieldName FieldPropertiesList) ADOLISP_FieldsPropertiesList))
        ;; Get the FieldsPropertiesList in the right order
        (setq ADOLISP_FieldsPropertiesList (reverse ADOLISP_FieldsPropertiesList))

        ;; Initialize the return value
        (setq ReturnValue (list (reverse FieldList)))
        ;; If there are any rows in the recordset ...
          (not (and (= :vlax-true
                       (vlax-get-property RecordSetObject "BOF")
                    (= :vlax-true
                       (vlax-get-property RecordSetObject "EOF")
           ;; We're about to get tricky, hang on!  Create the
           ;; final results list ...
              ;; By appending the list of rows to the list of
              ;; fields.
                (list (reverse FieldList))
                ;; Uses Douglas Wilson's elegant
                ;; list-transposing code from
                ;; http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/autocad/lisp/
                ;; to create the list of rows, because
                ;; GetRows returns items in column order
                    ;; Set up to convert a list of lists
                    ;; of variants to a list of lists of
                    ;; items that AutoLISP understands
                      '(lambda (InputList)
                         (mapcar '(lambda (Item)
                                    (ADOLISP_variant-value Item)
                      ;; Get the rows, converting them from
                      ;; a variant to a safearray to a list
        ;; Close the recordset and release it and the
        ;; command
        (vlax-invoke-method RecordSetObject "Close")
        (vlax-release-object RecordSetObject)
        (if (not ADOLISP_IsAutoCAD2000)
          (vlax-release-object CommandObject)
  ;; And return the results

;;; A function to close a connection and release
;;; the connection object.

;;; Argument:
;;;    An ADO Connection Object.

;;; Return value:
;;;    Always returns T

(defun ADOLISP_DisconnectFromDB (ConnectionObject)
  (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList        nil
        ADOLISP_LastSQLStatement nil
  (vlax-invoke-method ConnectionObject "Close")
  (vlax-release-object ConnectionObject)

;;; ------------------------------------------------------------

;;; ADOLISP utility functions

;;; A function to print the list of errors generated
;;; by the ADOLISP_ErrorProcessor function.  The functions
;;; are separate so ADOLISP_ErrorProcessor can be called
;;; while a DCL dialog box is displayed and then
;;; ADOLISP_ErrorPrinter can be called after the dialog
;;; box has been removed.

;;; No arguments, no return value.

(defun ADOLISP_ErrorPrinter ()
  (if ADOLISP_LastSQLStatement
    (prompt (strcat "\nLast SQL statement:\n\""
  (foreach ErrorList ADOLISP_ErrorList
    (prompt "\n")
    (foreach ErrorItem ErrorList
        (strcat (car ErrorItem) "\t\t" (cdr ErrorItem) "\n")

;;; A function to obtain the names of all
;;; the tables and views in a database.
;;; (Views are called "Queries" in Microsoft Access.)

;;; Argument:
;;;     ConnectionObject: An ADO Connection Object

;; Return value:
;;;  A list of two lists.
;;;  The first list contains the table names.
;;;  The second list contains the view names.

(defun ADOLISP_GetTablesAndViews (ConnectionObject / TempObject
                                  TablesList TempList ViewsList
  (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList        nil
        ADOLISP_LastSQLStatement nil
  (setq RecordSetObject (vlax-create-object "ADODB.RecordSet"))
  ;; If we fail getting a recordset of the tables and views
  ;; ...
  (if (vl-catch-all-error-p
        (setq RecordSetObject
    ;; Save the error information
    (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList
           (ADOLISP_ErrorProcessor RecordSetObject ConnectionObject)
      ;; Got the recordset!
      ;; We're about to get tricky, hang on!  Convert the
      ;; recordset object to a LISP list ...
         ;; Uses Douglas Wilson's elegant
         ;; list-transposing code from
         ;; http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/autocad/lisp/
         ;; to create the list of rows, because
         ;; GetRows returns items in column order
             ;; Set up to convert a list of lists
             ;; of variants to a list of lists of
             ;; items that AutoLISP understands
               '(lambda (InputList)
                  (mapcar '(lambda (Item)
                             (ADOLISP_variant-value Item)
               ;; Get the rows, converting them from
               ;; a variant to a safearray to a list
      ;; Now filter out the system tables and
      ;; sort the tables and views into the
      ;; correct lists
      (foreach Item TempList
          ((= (nth 3 Item) "VIEW")
           (setq ViewsList (cons (nth 2 Item) ViewsList))
          ((= (nth 3 Item) "TABLE")
           (setq TablesList (cons (nth 2 Item) TablesList))
      ;; Close the recordset
      (vlax-invoke-method RecordSetObject "Close")
  (vlax-release-object RecordSetObject)
  (list TablesList ViewsList)

;;; A function to obtain the properties
;;; of the columns in a table.

;;; Arguments:
;;;     ConnectionObject: An ADO Connection Object
;;;     TableName: A string containing the table name.
;;;                Not case sensitive.

;;; Return value:
;;;  If nothing was found, NIL.
;;;  If columns were found for that table, a
;;;  list of lists, one sub-list for each column.
;;;  Each sub-list contains:
;;;     Column name
;;;      dotted-pair lists:
;;;         "Type" . OLEDB DataTypeEnum
;;;         "DefinedSize" . Maximum length
;;;                         (character data only)
;;;                         (0 if no maximum)
;;;         "Attributes" . OLEDB FieldAttributeEnum
;;;         "Precision" . number of digits (numerical
;;;                       columns only)
;;;         "Ordinal" . number of the column in the
;;;                     table (the first column is 1)

;;; The sub-lists in the return value will be in
;;; the same order as the ordinal values of the columns.

(defun ADOLISP_GetColumns (ConnectionObject TableName /
                           TempObject TempList ReturnValue
  (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList
        TableName (strcase TableName)
  (setq RecordSetObject (vlax-create-object "ADODB.RecordSet"))
  ;; If we fail getting a recordset of all
  ;; the columns in the database ...
  (if (vl-catch-all-error-p
        (setq RecordSetObject
    ;; Save the error information
    (setq ADOLISP_ErrorList
      ;; Got the recordset!
      ;; We're about to get tricky, hang on!  Convert the
      ;; recordset object to a LISP list ...
         ;; Uses Douglas Wilson's elegant
         ;; list-transposing code from
         ;; http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/autocad/lisp/
         ;; to create the list of rows, because
         ;; GetRows returns items in column order
             ;; Set up to convert a list of lists
             ;; of variants to a list of lists of
             ;; items that AutoLISP understands
               '(lambda (InputList)
                  (mapcar '(lambda (Item)
                             (ADOLISP_variant-value Item)
               ;; Get the rows, converting them from
               ;; a variant to a safearray to a list
      ;; Close the recordset
      (vlax-invoke-method RecordSetObject "Close")
      ;; Loop over all the columns
      (foreach ColumnList TempList
        ;; If this column belongs to the correct table ...
        (if (= TableName (strcase (nth 2 ColumnList)))
          ;; Store its information
          (setq ReturnValue
                   (list (nth 3 ColumnList)
                         (cons "Type" (nth 11 ColumnList))
                         (cons "DefinedSize"
                               (if (nth 13 ColumnList)
                                 (fix (nth 13 ColumnList))
                         (cons "Attributes"
                               (if (nth 9 ColumnList)
                                 (fix (nth 9 ColumnList))
                         (cons "Precision"
                               (if (nth 15 ColumnList)
                                 (nth 15 ColumnList)
                         (cons "Ordinal"
                               (fix (nth 6 ColumnList))
  (vlax-release-object RecordSetObject)

  ;; The reverse of the return value list is probably in order, but make sure ....
  (if ReturnValue
    (vl-sort (reverse ReturnValue)
             '(lambda (x y)
                (< (cdr (assoc "Ordinal" (cdr x)))
                   (cdr (assoc "Ordinal" (cdr y)))

;;; ------------------------------------------------------------

;;; ADOLISP Support functions

;;; A function to assemble all errors into a list of lists of
;;; dotted pairs of strings ("name" . "value")

(defun ADOLISP_ErrorProcessor (VLErrorObject ConnectionObject /
                               ErrorsObject ErrorObject
                               ErrorCount ErrorNumber ErrorList
  ;; First get Visual LISP's error message
  (setq ReturnList   (list
                           "Visual LISP message"
                           (vl-catch-all-error-message VLErrorObject)
        ;; Get the ADO errors object and quantity
        ErrorObject  (vlax-create-object "ADODB.Error")
        ErrorsObject (vlax-get-property ConnectionObject "Errors")
        ErrorCount   (vlax-get-property ErrorsObject "Count")
        ErrorNumber  -1
  ;; Loop over all the ADO errors ...
  (while (< (setq ErrorNumber (1+ ErrorNumber)) ErrorCount)
    ;; Get the error object of the current error
    (setq ErrorObject
                      (vlax-get-property ErrorsObject "Item" ErrorNumber)
          ;; Clear the list of items for this error
          ErrorList   nil
    ;; Loop over all possible error items of this error
    (foreach ErrorProperty '("Description" "HelpContext"
                             "HelpFile" "NativeError" "Number"
                             "SQLState" "Source"
      ;; Get the value of the current item.  If it's a number
      ;; ...
      (if (numberp (setq ErrorValue
                          (vlax-get-property ErrorObject ErrorProperty)
        ;; Convert it to a string for consistency
        (setq ErrorValue (itoa ErrorValue))
      ;; And store it
      (setq ErrorList (cons (cons ErrorProperty ErrorValue)
    ;; Add the list for the current error to the return value
    (setq ReturnList (cons (reverse ErrorList) ReturnList))
  ;; Set up the return value in the correct order
  (reverse ReturnList)

;;; A function to convert a variant to a value.  Knows
;;; about more variant types than vlax-variant-value

(defun ADOLISP_variant-value (VariantItem / VariantType)
    ;; If it's a Currency data type or a Decimal data type ...
    ((or (= vlax-vbCurrency
            (setq VariantType (vlax-variant-type VariantItem))
         ;; Note that I defined vlax-vbDecimal
         ;; at the beginning of the file
         (= vlax-vbDecimal VariantType)
     ;; Convert it to a double before getting its value
       (vlax-variant-change-type VariantItem vlax-vbDouble)
    ;; If it's a date, time, or date/time variable type ...
    ((= vlax-vbDate VariantType)
     ;; Convert it to a string (assuming it's a Microsoft
     ;; Access type Julian date)
       (vlax-variant-value VariantItem)
    ;; If it's a boolean value (yes/no, true/false, ...) ...
    ((= vlax-vbBoolean VariantType)
     ;; Convert it to the string "True" or "False"
     (if (= :vlax-true (vlax-variant-value VariantItem))
    ;; If it's an OLE_COLOR data type ...
    ((= vlax-vbOLE_COLOR VariantType)
     ;; Convert it to a long integer before getting its value
       (vlax-variant-change-type VariantItem vlax-vbLong)
    ;; Otherwise, just turn vlax-variant-value loose on it
    (t (vlax-variant-value VariantItem))

;;; A function to convert a "1900-based"Julian-like
;;; date, time, or date/time to a string.

;;; Argument:  A real number, containing a Julian-type date
;;; based on January 1, 1900 (e.g. a Microsoft Access date)
;;; in the integer portion and a time (as a fraction of a
;;; day) in the fractional portion.  Note that this
;;; algorithm considers a number with no fractional
;;; portion to be the day _starting_ at midnight.

;;; Return Value:  A string:
;;;  Containing just the date if there was no fractional
;;;    portion.
;;;  Containing just the time if there was no integer portion
;;;    or the input number was 0.0
;;;  Otherwise, containing the date and the time.

;;; Times are returned as hour:minutes:seconds, 24-hour
;;; format, with leading zeros if necessary to make
;;; two digits per element

;;; Dates are returned in US format (month/day/year) but this
;;; is easily changed.  The year is given as four digits.
;;; The month and day are supplied as two digits (possibly
;;; with leading zeros)

(defun 1900BasedJulianToCalender (JulianDate / a b c d e y z
                                  Month Day Year Hours Minutes
                                  Seconds CalenderTime NoTime
                                  NoDate ReturnValue
  ;; Initialize the return value
  (setq ReturnValue "")
  ;; If the input date has no time component ...
  (if (equal 0.0
             (float (- JulianDate (float (fix JulianDate))))
    ;; It has no time component ... if it has no date
    ;; component ...
    (if (zerop (fix JulianDate))
      ;; It must be a timestamp of 0:00.00.  Set the flag that
      ;; we don't have a date but leave the "No Time" flag
      ;; unset
      (setq NoDate T)
      ;; It has a date component but has no time component.
      ;; Shift the date to a real Julian date
      (setq JulianDate (+ 2415019 (fix JulianDate))
            ;; Set a flag so we know we don't have to
            ;; calculate the time
            NoTime     T
    ;; It has a time component.  If it has no date component
    ;; ...
    (if (zerop (fix JulianDate))
      ;; Set a flag so we know we don't want to calculate a
      ;; date
      (setq NoDate T)
      ;; Otherwise, just shift it to be based like a standard
      ;; Julian date
      (setq JulianDate (+ 2415019 JulianDate))
  ;; If we want to calculate the date ...
  (if (not NoDate)
    ;; It's magic, don't even ask (because I don't know).
    ;; Some things we weren't meant to know.
    (setq z           (fix JulianDate)
          a           (fix (/ (- z 1867216.25) 36524.25))
          a           (+ z 1 a (- (fix (/ a 4))))
          b           (+ a 1524)
          c           (fix (/ (- b 122.1) 365.25))
          d           (floor (* 365.25 c))
          e           (fix (/ (- b d) 30.6001))
          Day         (fix (- b d (floor (* 30.6001 e))))
          e           (- e
                         (if (< e 14)
          Month       (1+ e)
          Year        (if (> e 1)
                        (- c 4716)
                        (- c 4715)
          Year        (if (= Year 0)
                        (1- Year)
          ;; This uses US format for the date, you might want
          ;; to change it.
          ReturnValue (strcat (if (< Month 10)
                                (strcat "0" (itoa Month))
                                (itoa Month)
                              (if (< Day 10)
                                (strcat "0" (itoa Day))
                                (itoa Day)
                              (itoa Year)
  ;; If we want to calculate the time ...
  (if (not NoTime)
    ;; First strip the date portion from the input
    (setq y            (- JulianDate (float (fix JulianDate)))
          ;; Round to the nearest second
          y            (/ (float (fix (+ 0.5 (* y 86400.0)))) 86400.0)
          ;; Number of hours since midnight
          Hours        (fix (* y 24))
          ;; Number of minutes since midnight the hour
          ;; (1440 minutes per day)
          Minutes      (fix (- (* y 1440.0) (* Hours 60.0)))
          ;; Number of seconds since the minute (86400
          ;; seconds per day)
          Seconds      (fix (- (* y 86400.0)
                               (* Hours 3600.0)
                               (* Minutes 60.0)
          CalenderTime (strcat (if (< Hours 10)
                                 (strcat "0" (itoa Hours))
                                 (itoa Hours)
                               (if (< Minutes 10)
                                 (strcat "0" (itoa Minutes))
                                 (itoa Minutes)
                               (if (< Seconds 10)
                                 (strcat "0" (itoa Seconds))
                                 (itoa Seconds)
          ReturnValue  (if (< 0 (strlen ReturnValue))
                         (strcat ReturnValue " " CalenderTime)


;;; Floor function, rounds down to the next integer.
;;; Identical with FIX for positive numbers, but
;;; rounds away from zero for negative numbers.

(defun floor (number /)
  (if (> number 0)
    (fix number)
    (fix (- number 1))

(prompt "\nADOLISP library loaded")

Тип файла: rar db1.rar (6.4 Кб, 127 просмотров)

Просмотров: 5119
Непрочитано 11.07.2012, 14:27

Thượng Tá Quân Đội Nhân Dân Việt Nam
Регистрация: 14.03.2005
44d32'44"С, 33d26'51"В
Сообщений: 13,381

Так ты свой код покажи, где вставляешь в таблицу, а не код библиотеки.
А если что-то не так происходит, то ошибка однозначно в том, что ты неправильно формулируешь SQL-запрос.
Из Lisp ты можеть только SQL-запрос отправить, а в Access ты кнопки нажимаешь, а уж она сама "формулирует" команды к движку (которые ты и не видишь).
Для вставки запрос должен быть в виде "INSERT INTO имя_таблицы ...."

см. ADOLISP_Example.lsp
ShaggyDoc вне форума  
Автор темы   Непрочитано 11.07.2012, 14:29

Регистрация: 01.07.2010
Сообщений: 521

Ну вот же код!
Просто закомментен был...
Этот запрос прекрасно срабатывает из аксеса!!!

[Выделить все]
 ;; Insert a row
48          (setq SQLStatement
49                 "INSERT INTO UsersActiv (User, Draw_name, Data, Action) VALUES ('Artamonov', 'C:\Ado', '11.07.2012.', 'Открыл')"
50          )
51          (prompt (strcat "\n\nInserting a row:\n\""
52                          SQLStatement
53                          "\""
54                  )
55          )
56          (if (setq Result (ADOLISP_DoSQL ConnectionObject SQLStatement))
57            (prompt "\nResult:\nSucceeded!")
58            (progn
59              (prompt "\nFailed!")
60              (ADOLISP_ErrorPrinter)
61            )
62          )
Ошибку пишет вот

[Выделить все]
Visual LISP message           Automation Error. Ошибка синтаксиса в инструкции 

Description        Ошибка синтаксиса в инструкции INSERT INTO.
HelpContext        5003134
NativeError        -529993134
Number              -2147217900
SQLState      3000
Source              Microsoft JET Database Engine

Дело в зарезервированных словах было... USER и ACTION.
Поставил их в [] и все стало ОК!

Последний раз редактировалось Zaghim, 11.07.2012 в 14:41.
Zaghim вне форума  
Вернуться   Форум DWG.RU > Программное обеспечение > Программирование > LISP > Lisp. Не вставляет значения в базу access.

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